
Showing posts from August, 2017

HSI Flat Iron

<a href="" rel="nofollow" style="display: none;"></a> Something I needed but never wanted to buy and I finally got to review it, A Flat Iron. I have natural wavy hair. As you can tell. I did try it on some of my hair and not all of it but this is how it turned out.. See how it is a little flatter and smoother. It came from this Item and I am enjoying and loving it. These are them an I am excited to have them and will be using them in the future. They are great and will be using it when I go out some place fancy or too convention or any place else that makes me feel awesome. Would you like one? <a href="" rel="nofollow" style="...

Catching the Wind by Melanie Dobson

Great book and a long one. Spent forever to read but it was exciting and invigorating to read. The Main Character, Daniel was fearful and afraid. Not sure what to do with his life as he had known it. Being held by the Gestapo in his early years and then becoming rich and wealthy in his later years.  It shows that outlooks can change.. When you are able to work hard and accomplish dreams that will always come true..

The Essential Guide to Prayer by Dutch Sheets

I found this book to be very influential for anyone that believes prayer works and intersection of prayer for any believer. Dutch Sheets is one that is a great writer and explains prayer in a way that any beginner to advanced prayer can understand. I love that breaks down what or who an intercessor is and the different types of intercession. The priority.. why intercession needs to be done. The Plan  the way intercession needs to be. The Person who is the right person that God chooses to be an intercessor and why they are chosen. The Purpose and Prize to be an Intercessor. How others are healed by it and why intercession in today's world is so much neeed. I enjoyed reading this book