Courage for the Unknown Season

Jan Silvious is a tremendous writer. I really enjoyed this book and how she shared stories of others who were in unknown seasons of their lives and how God brought them through it. I know there are times in my life where I am not sure what season I am an in but I continue to seek the Lord and he brings me through it. That no matter what believing in God has helped me through the unknown seasons of my life and I thank God for bringing me through them and through Jan's book. It makes it easier to understand why the unknown season occur and how with God's help that they can and will come to past. I especially loved the chapter of the Letting Go. In this last year we said goodbye to Dan's father but it really hit home when My dad was ill in 2015 and we lost him. It was like one day you saw the happy smile and the next he was gone. But with the help of God and friends we made it through.